Swim closer to the "red line," Bike on the edge of the discomfort zone. Be a master at ´fatigue running;´ pushing through pain.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Surly Trail Run, BSC Camp Odayin 5K and the TC MARATHON!
Then it was the 5K the week before the marathon which I wanted to do well in. So I followed Nicole's plan to the T (or almost) =) and was hoping to get a good time. The run was two times around Lake Como and was fairly flat. Ended up running a 20:14 for 3.34 miles, or about a 6:22 pace. Right on par with my 5K PR 19:35. I did a 19:30 5K in the Apple Duathlon earlier this season.
Then the TC MARATHON. I was tapering pretty much towards the end of the week with a few track workouts in the beginning, and I didn't really like it too much but I knew if I was going to run a sub 3:17 on the TCM course my legs needed to feel fresh. I felt like my fitness was there with many track workouts and a few long runs (20+), but now it was time to simply taper (which was not really that simple for me). Either way I think I did a pretty good job following the taper and couldn't complain with how I felt going into the marathon. The weather was really pretty cold the day off, in the 30's with a high of 50 (maybe). The week itself was a bit stressful with Osc getting sick and having many sleepless nights, but at the end I think it all worked out. Both Gabe and I PRd!! I felt pretty strong throughout the whole race and was really focus on keeping with or a little ahead of the 3:15 pace group. I did just that and was actually in front for most of the race except at around mile 21 or so the pace group paced me. I was starting to struggle. I really tried to hang on, but couldn't. In the end though it worked out and those last 3 miles or so were a blur. I was on pace at the half way point for about a 3:12 and finished in 3:15.22, a PR!!! I remember seeing the finish line still pretty far away and kicking it in so hard that when I finished if the two awesome volunteers wouldn't have been there to grab me I would have fallen over...I was so happy and it was so nice to see all my friends there, Kim, Kurbs, Robin, Leon, Drew, Kim's parents, John, my grandparents and sister just to name a few. Also all the people who yelled out my name it was just great!!! Splits below, finished 30th in AG. Link to results below.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Some thoughts for the end of the Tri Season 2012
I thought I'd put in some of my end of the season thoughts even though it's about 2 weeks after Hyvee, better then never(or the last tri of the season). I'd say this season has been interesting for one because I didn't have a big race at the end of the season like Ironman last year, and that sort of made the last tri not as depressing. I didn't experience the post season blues (YET) like I did after Ironman. I guess that makes sense because the Ironman is way bigger and you train the whole season for it. But either way it was nice to end Hyvee on a good note, and feeling strong and confident about my fitness level. I have felt like my fitness level has been the best it has been maybe ever. Maybe it was because of cross fit, or extra speed work, or working on my running more with a coach, either way I have PR'd in all my shorter races this year, and have improved my speed a lot. I have PR'd in the mile with a 5:31PR, and my 5K time has been the fastest it's ever been at a 19:30 some in a triathlon...I never thought I'd be able to run this fast.
I also met an amazing training buddy, Kurbs, we call her. We have done all of out training together this season, and it's been awesome! So many days I felt like I didn't want to get out there, but having her show up to our place pushed me just that much. Super thankful for her! It's very true, this sport is all about the people you meet not always just the bike, run, swim. There are days you just don't want to do those things anymore, but it's the relationships and friendships that you make that really get your through those ruts.
One thing that wasn't so great this season were my half ironmans. In part, I think because I just didn't spend as much time on the bike this winter, thinking I'd be fine. Well I payed for it with both of my Half Ironamns being sub par. It might have also been all of the extra CrossFit I've been doing. I think I could get away with it with the shorter stuff, but the longer stuff takes so much more out of you I just maybe couldn't handle both volume and intensity intermixed and not periodized properly. Who knows though, I guess only eliminating one or backing off on something or maybe more biking or longer bricks would help me answer what happened.
Either way a lot of good things came out of this tri season, which I'm more then happy about. I feel faster, back to where I was before kidney surgery, or even faster, and I feel healthy which is important. One small setback is my knee hurting for the last few months. I think it's an imbalance of some sort which I have to figure out before it gets worse.
All in all I'd give the season an 8 out of 10!!!
Last race of the season is the Marathon!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Colorado Ragnar Relay (fist Annual) 9/6 and 9/7 2012
I came on the team for the Ragnar in Colorado somewhat last minute...Maybe not last minute but I joined the team after saying no due to travel expenses and PTO, but after Kim told me there was a change in the date and there was someone who couldn't' do it, I was even more tempted so I decided I was in! I knew it would be absolutely beautiful running through the mountains, and I was absolutely right.
I got into Colorado on Thurs, and we drove to Breck where we stayed that evening. The race started on Friday. We were in the first van and I was runner number 5. My legs were 8.9 miles, 4.6 miles, and 6.7 miles. Not super hilly but longer.
I was very excited when we got to the race start, and it was nice because we stayed at a place walking distance from the start in Breck. Out start time was 10am, so plenty of time to sleep in. I decided I wanted to run some extra legs because that's just what I do =) so I did just that by running with Ben our first runner. It was a tough climb from the start of his leg, but we settled into a comfortable pace and the beauty of Colorado began! I took a break after that, and then decided to run 2miles with Kim (runner 3). The first part of her run was all uphill, so I decided to help her out, and she was happy I did.
I was getting more antsy as the day went, since I was the second to last runner, but my leg was finally here. I was actually feeling a bit sluggish, maybe due to the lack of or no coffee at all that day. I tried to just take it in and not race but run a pretty steady pace given the elevation change. It felt good, and I felt pretty warmed up and awake by the end of the run
After our first legs we had a break from 5 to 9 or so. We crashed at a major exchange where we'd meet Van 2. I was out cold even though we slept on a carpeted floor in a high school with no sleeping bad, just a sleeping bag.
Second leg was at midnight, and a bit freaky because part of it was in the middle of a field, and all you saw was what was in front of you. Otherwise I liked the night run. I also ran into this small animal which I quickly dodged by going out on the road instead of the path.
Jen one of our runners had some pain in her knee after the first run, so we knew she was pretty much out. Her bf Ben ran one of her legs but then we had to do some switching and Kim ended up running another short leg while another girl (Jen) took the other Jen's leg (too complicated)! Erica was also not feeling hot, so I took her last 3mile leg. Thank god it was only 3 miles, but I was pumped once I got mentally ready for running almost 10miles as my third leg on about 2 hours of sleep. To be honest I enjoyed that leg the most. I was just out there soaking it all in, and the music helped a ton.
Overall it was an awesome experience!!! Absolutely would do it again, the scenery was just amazing.
Leg 1 8.8 miles 7:54 pace Leg 2 4.7 miles 7:30 pace Leg 3 6.7 miles 8:08 pace Ran Ben's Leg 3.7 miles, and Kim's leg 2miles, and Erica's leg 3 miles, about 30 miles total, was supposed to run 20 miles with only me legs.We placed 49 out of 170 teams so not bad!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Hyvee Age Group Elite Oly Race 9/1/2012 (Last Tri of 2012)
Monday, August 20, 2012
Pigman Half 8/19/2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
YWCA 2012 August 12th
Monday, July 30, 2012
Rice Street Mile (PR Mile) then another PR mile today 7/30/12 at CF!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Chisago Halfiron 7/22/12
This was a struggle pretty much from the beginning, but definitely the run challenged me more mentally then I can really remember in a long time. Chisago is a pretty chaotic race, but Kim and I got there early enough and I knew exactly where my bike spot was which made it a lot less stressful.
My legs were feeling a little heavy on the warm up run, but I didn't think too much of it. The swim was wetsuit legal which was a surprise since it has been so hot lately and I was swimming a lot with no wetsuit.
Swim went pretty smoothly I thought, I was getting pretty tired with my arms about 3/4 of the way, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I got my goggles knocked off a bit, but I had them underneath the swim cap which was good.
Bike was when it got rough. Lots of head wind, no speedometer (forgot to put it on the day before), and just plain tired legs. I tried not to exert too much but felt like if I slowed down anymore I'd barely be going over 20mph, so I pushed even with the wind, and maybe payed for it on the run.
The run was brutal, probably started at about mile 7. After seeing that I pretty much had no chance of breaking 5hrs, I sort of gave up. I still kept trying to keep a good mental attitude, but I was tired, hot, and physically drained. I guess I pretty much just gave up mentally and everything went downhill from there. I finished, but had never felt so fatigued (the below picture captures the "pain cave" very well). This almost felt as hard the the IM today. I guess everyone has a bad race, and sometimes there is really no reason or explanation. It is what it is...
Results: 38:07. (1:58) T1 1:45 02:44:15.4 (20.4) T2 1:24.8 Run 01:45:16.6 (8:02) Total 05:10:50.6 10th OA, 1st AG.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Minneman Sprint 6/30/2012 (A WIENER!)
Monday, June 18, 2012
Rochesterfest Oly 6/17/2012
We drove to the race the morning of, getting up at 430am wasn't bad, but the drive was long (1.5hrs) and I sort of got tired during the drive. We got to the race nice and early (6:40am or so) since I had to pick up my packet the same day. By 7am I was ready to go on my warm up run. The weather was really nice, not hot and sunny. The swim was a two loop swim, where you come out of the water after the first loop and go right back in for the Oly distance.
Right when I started to swim I felt tired, not really tired, but I was feeling off. I was trying to focus more on form and sort of "tuned out". I've never felt so calm in a swim because no one was around me which was really nice. Coming out of the water we had to run on the sand which took a lot of energy out of me as well.
The bike was hilly and windy, but a really nice course with nice roads. I was using the 808 wheels for the back, Damon borrowed me, but because I was so tired it was hard to tell if they were helping or not. I was feeling the burning sensation in my legs almost right away on the bike, almost like the lactate wasn't clearing or something like that. The bike was rough, not sure if it was the course or the way I felt, or maybe combo of both.
Then it was the run, which was a similar story. I was on auto pilot mode pretty much the whole time. I knew I was in forth place with the third place, Katherine, a ways ahead and I had really no energy to try to catch up, so I just tried to stay strong and focus again on my form. The run course was nice, not hilly and some shaded parts. It got pretty hot towards the end of the run. I finished and sort of stood there hunched over for a second. I hadn't felt so drained before doing a shorter race, but today was just that sort of day I guess.
Finished forth overall but a lot slower time compared to last weekend at Liberty. I think the bike course was longer because I remember seeing the 24mile marker and it seemed way longer than another .8 miles making it an even 40K, but then again I heard the Liberty bike course was maybe shorter. All in all it was a good effort for the day for me, and I can at least walk away knowing if I was feeling it I could have done way better. All apart of racing though, you never know how you will feel or what might happen, they key is to walk with something positive.
*First time winning some MULA for forth place, can't complain =)*
Results: 4th overall female 28:55:00 1.5K swim T1 1:39 1:13:04 (20.1 mph) T2 1:03 45:11 Time time 2:29:(7:16 pace).
Monday, June 11, 2012
First Tri of 2012 (Liberty Oly 6/9/2012 (best bike average ever, and 10KPR)
All in all I was happy with how I did, second overall. The girl who beat me is an unbelievable swimmer, I wish I could be like her! Results: 29:35 (1:49) T1 1:12 1:02:26 (23.8) 0:44 T2 42:08 (6:47) Total Time 2:16:03
Monday, May 28, 2012
Apple Du 5/26/2012 (sub 20min 5K PR!)
Next up is Liberty first tri of the season! Results 5th Overall Woman 5K, 19:28 (6:16 pace) 33K bike 58:25 21.1 5K run 21:52 7:03 Total time 1:41.46
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Season Opener 2012, Oakdale Duathlon...5/12/2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Little Osc...running 20miles Saturday April 28th, no problem!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Trail Mix 25K April 21th
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Unexpected Recognitions...
Monday, April 9, 2012
A lil bit of this and that
Thursday, February 16, 2012
CF, throwdowns, Thailand, PR's and new opportunites! 2/17/2012
CF has been really awesome. I love the workouts and I really feel that they have helped me running and fitness immensely. The workouts are also very humbling. I also tried my hand in something different, doing a CF style competition, they call the throwdown. I've done some Olympic Lifting back in my high school days, so it's been really fun to get back into a competition style which involves some Olympic Lifts as well as some stuff I have never done before (handstand walk). Next feat is to learn some of the movements in CF, such as, double unders in a row (I can do like 20 now as of last Saturday), muscle ups...many more I can't even think of.
I am also feeling very lucky when it comes to getting a sponsorship I received from Kiwami. The director seems very nice and I think the opportunity will be an awesome one for 2012. I started off last year, and this year a bit worried and unsure about what I was doing when it comes to races, but I think I'm finally feeling better about training, and just my goals in general for 2012. For me it has been hard to narrow stuff down since last year I had a major goal of finishing Ironman. After completing this feat it was a bit different because there was really no one single race in mind. After going back and forth a few times (or maybe 10) I finally think I have a schedule down. Another really fortunate thing for me is, I was able to hook up with a running coach, who is also a triathlete (but an amazing running first), and she has already helped me a ton when it comes to organizing my training. I think my major thing was doing too much too soon and burning out before the season was to start. I have only stared working with her, but I am feeling way better, and not overdoing it.
I also set an unofficial PR during a workout with MN red a running group I joined a few months ago. It was at the dome and it was a 3mile or 5K time trail. I did a 19:12 for 3miles. So that's unofficially breaking 20min which is a huge feat for me. I just really hope I have all this energy and strength when the season comes.
Lastly, I'm going on a trip to Thailand in one months. Should be an amazing experience. I am going with a friend from work, Erica, and two of her friends. I'm super pumped and can't really believe I'm going to such an exotic place. I think the trip will be a nice way to get away and relax for me, hopefully! =)
I think that's it for now. Hopefully I'll be blogging more often to come.
PS: I bought some race wheels, disk HED Jet and 60 on the front, used, but I'm super pumped for that also!!!
Also working with a swim coach off and on to improve the stroke.