Monday, June 18, 2012

Rochesterfest Oly 6/17/2012

We drove to the race the morning of, getting up at 430am wasn't bad, but the drive was long (1.5hrs) and I sort of got tired during the drive. We got to the race nice and early (6:40am or so) since I had to pick up my packet the same day. By 7am I was ready to go on my warm up run. The weather was really nice, not hot and sunny. The swim was a two loop swim, where you come out of the water after the first loop and go right back in for the Oly distance.

Right when I started to swim I felt tired, not really tired, but I was feeling off. I was trying to focus more on form and sort of "tuned out". I've never felt so calm in a swim because no one was around me which was really nice. Coming out of the water we had to run on the sand which took a lot of energy out of me as well.

The bike was hilly and windy, but a really nice course with nice roads. I was using the 808 wheels for the back, Damon borrowed me, but because I was so tired it was hard to tell if they were helping or not. I was feeling the burning sensation in my legs almost right away on the bike, almost like the lactate wasn't clearing or something like that. The bike was rough, not sure if it was the course or the way I felt, or maybe combo of both.

Then it was the run, which was a similar story. I was on auto pilot mode pretty much the whole time. I knew I was in forth place with the third place, Katherine, a ways ahead and I had really no energy to try to catch up, so I just tried to stay strong and focus again on my form. The run course was nice, not hilly and some shaded parts. It got pretty hot towards the end of the run. I finished and sort of stood there hunched over for a second. I hadn't felt so drained before doing a shorter race, but today was just that sort of day I guess.

Finished forth overall but a lot slower time compared to last weekend at Liberty. I think the bike course was longer because I remember seeing the 24mile marker and it seemed way longer than another .8 miles making it an even 40K, but then again I heard the Liberty bike course was maybe shorter. All in all it was a good effort for the day for me, and I can at least walk away knowing if I was feeling it I could have done way better. All apart of racing though, you never know how you will feel or what might happen, they key is to walk with something positive.

*First time winning some MULA for forth place, can't complain =)*

Results: 4th overall female 28:55:00 1.5K swim T1 1:39 1:13:04 (20.1 mph) T2 1:03 45:11 Time time 2:29:(7:16 pace).

Monday, June 11, 2012

First Tri of 2012 (Liberty Oly 6/9/2012 (best bike average ever, and 10KPR)

This was a fairly new distance for me. I haven't really raced the Oly distance since 2010, and I have only done two Oly in my entire tri "career". I wanted to do a few Oly's this year and see how I'd like this distance. So I did just that by registering for the Liberty Oly instead of the half like last year. The location was different this year in Rockford and swim in Lake Rebecca. All in all I was excited for the new distance and the first tri of 2012! Swim went fairly well for me, I tried to stay close to the buoys, and also for the first time sort of drafted off a few people on several different occasions (I think). Bike started out a bit tough, I was using the disc wheel on the back and another HED on the front and noticed that if I went at least 22mph it was easy to keep it going, but if I'd drop to below that it was hard to keep the pace. The bike was an out and back in a way with some rolling hills but nothing horrible. And on the way back I was cruising, with some wind at my back. The bike went fairly well, and I forced myself to eat a gel or half a gel, to make sure I had some energy on the run. The bike course was really nice and the roads were really well kept and smooth, which was great. The run was HILLY, a lot of rollers, but shaded. It was a hot day, about 90 degrees and sunny and humid. The run was most likely the toughest part with the heat and hills, but I just tried to keep going even though I was alone for the majority of the run. I liked also that the run was an out and back so you could see the people going out on the run and cheer them on. I felt bad because I was so out of breath and dying I would barely say good job or thank you to people passing by on the other side...

All in all I was happy with how I did, second overall. The girl who beat me is an unbelievable swimmer, I wish I could be like her! Results: 29:35 (1:49) T1 1:12 1:02:26 (23.8) 0:44 T2 42:08 (6:47) Total Time 2:16:03