Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big Woods 1/2 Marathon and injuries....

How to begin...The highlights of this race was the weather and the scenery. It was absolutely beautiful, warm and sunny!

Bad things: I have been fighting this injury/pain for about a month. I wasn't sure how that would hold up in this half since I haven't run too much distance this year. The first 7 miles were pretty good, I was averaging about a 7:05 pace...Then it all fell apart, and the pain set in and the power in my legs was pretty much gone. I slowed way way down and ended up with a 1:43 (about a 7:42 pace) which was 8 minutes off my time last year!!! I essentially hobbled into the finish and couldn't wait to be done.

My injury which I have found out is an imbalance problem which I've had for a while. On my right side my glute max and glute medius muscles aren't firing or working like they should so my piriformis and hams are working overtime but get very aggravated because they aren't as strong and powerful. The fix....isolation exercises to get that glute to fire again and fix some imbalances in my hips which is forcing my knee to cave in on the right side each time I land. And is also causing my hips to be all back ass wards (funny term) when I run or get tired when running.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cannon Wells Duathlon 9/25/10

COLD COLD COLD! The day started out cold and gloomy. This race was sort of a last minute decision. I knew I wanted to do a duathlon but I just hadn't decided if it was going to be Oseola du or Cannon Wells...So the decision was made, I got to use another friends free entry to the Cannon Wells DU so the decision was pretty easy. First run went really good. I was cold but after my 30 min warm up I was ok. Then it was on to the bike. The bike was so cold, I never warmed up and my hands and legs and feet were numb. It was really hard to drink water because I was afraid I'd loose my bottle from not being able to grip it very well. I was very happy when the bike was over. The bike course was nice but very bumpy in some areas.

Coming off the bike to the 2nd run was challenging since my whole body was numb at this point. I had a lot of trouble on clipping my helmet and due to that didn't have a very good T2. I was so happy to be on the 2nd run just so I could warm up. Well that really didn't happen until mile 2, and by that time I was feeling some aches and sore muscles. I finished strong, in 1st place for women. I was happy with how I felt (besides the cold factor) I felt pretty strong out there. The first run I was really challenged by the girls who ran which was awesome!

First run 2 miles, 6:23 pace, 12:46
Bike 14 miles, 40:17 20.9 mph
2nd run 3 miles 21:23 7:08 pace

Overall time 1:16 and change.

Summary: Fun du but very very chilly!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

St.Croix Valley

I am happy to say that this year this race went much much better then last year. I was feeling pretty good in the morning and warming up my legs felt great. I had done a pretty tough workout on Tuesday that week and my legs had been feeling pretty sore the whole week until race morning.

The weather was chilly 54 cold degrees! Starting out on the swim the water temp was warmer then the air temp which was not a surprise. I felt pretty strong on the swim but was extremely cold. My feet and arms were pretty numb coming out of the water and I knew that the bike would just be colder with the air temp being so low. Swim time 28:41 (2min faster then last year!)

It took me a while to get going the bike because my muscles were soo cold. I never did warm up on the bike too much but I was feeling fairly strong despite all the hills on this course. I didn't drink much of eat anything on the bike as I wanted to because my hands were so numb I could not really squeeze the water bottle into my mouth. Final bike time 1:08 (almost a 5min PR from last year) 21.9 average speed.

Now came the run. I did remember this run course a bit from last year. Again I was so cold that coming into T2 it took me a while to get my shoes on and I decided to not wear socks simply because I could not put them on. The run went well. It took about 2.5 miles for my feet to 'defrost' then I was good. I felt a lot stronger on the second part of the run compared to the first half. This was also true for the bike. Final run time 43:40 (7:04 pace) same time as last year. I was hoping for sub 7 and was a bit disappointed with my run time (thought I was going faster).

Overall 2nd place, the impressively talented Kortney Haag took first! 7min PR from last year, I can't really complain and I felt so much better compared to last year.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ragnar Relay Loo Lovers August 20th and 21st

I had always wanted to do the Ragnar Relay and this year was my chance. I was really excited to get going. I told myself that I would not race but just go out there and enjoy the scenery and pretty much jog it out...Well my competitive nature took over and I'd say I pushed myself pretty hard each of the three legs I had to do.

The day started out going to Kelly's house (one of the team member in Van 2). We packed out Van and decorated and were off to meet Van 1 at our check point. We had a lot of time to spare so stopped off at Subway.

Finally after waiting for a while we arrived at our checkpoint. Our first runner (runner 7) Kim was the first one to start. The rest of the legs in the day/evening time went great. My first leg was 5.2 miles with two pretty big hills and the heat! The heat really did all of us in. Kim had the biggest hill in her leg. I did my first leg at a 732pace. After the first legs was over we handed off to Van 1 and were off to Michael's house for dinner at 1100pm and a short nap before Van 1 got done and it was our turn to do our night runs (the second legs).

It was around 1am when Michael woke us up from our nap. It seemed like I had just shut my eyes, but it was time to go again. It was around 3am when our first runner, Kim, started. My second leg was 5.5 miles. It was amazing running in the dark. It was a very crazy experience because not only could you not see anything ahead because it was dark when I was running it was foggy so I could really see nothing. At times there would be a runner ahead and I could see their night vest but that was it. My leg also took me into a valley where the temperature dropped quiet a bit. The run up was pretty tough but then after that there was only a mile left and it actually felt pretty good. I did my second leg at a 7:30 pace (even faster then the first leg). I was surprised because I was going on one hour of sleep...Hmmm maybe sleep is over rated! I also ran a part of Gabe's leg with him (3miles total which was actually not too bad). When we finished up the second leg it was tough because it was that in between time around 6am where it was hard to sleep and we were going to be running starting around 10am. We ended up going to Starbucks and filling up on coffee and some bagels before our final legs.

Finally it was time for us to run our last legs. Mine was my longest leg 6miles. I was a bit worried because it was the last leg so at this point I'm really feeling a bit run down and it wasn't what I'd call a short run. My last leg had a lot of downhills which was nice but I was really feeling it in my quads because of all the deceleration when going down. To my surprise the weather was cool and I actually ran my fastest pace on my last leg, a 7:00 pace for 6 miles. I'd have to say that I think the reason I ran so well was because I ended up running with a guy who joined me at about mile 3 and asked if he could run with me. I think he definitely pushed me!

I was so happy when we were all finished. We all ran in to the finish line together with our last runner.

Summary: Awesome experience! I would really like doing Van 1 or the Ultra Team of 6 next year. Van 1 has more miles and the Ultra Team is just crazy! I am really glad I got to do the Ragnar and I'm surprised how I did with such little sleep...Makes me wonder...We averaged a 8:35 pace between both Van 1 and Van 2. Total mile ran with Gabe's extra 3 mile leg 19.6 (I can do more!).

Sunday, August 15, 2010

YWCA Race Report 8/15/10

Once again this race topped it with the volunteers and just the whole atmosphere at this triathlon was so different than any other. I had a woman come up to me before the race and thank me for giving her all the advice at a YW clinic I helped out at earlier this year...I thought to myself wow that's so nice of her! I feel like I'm still learning myself, but it felt good to be able to be an inspiration and help out others who are JUST starting out.
I warmed up like I usually do but really was feeling out of it today...After the warm up I was really not sure how this would go. I had been battling a cold this week not sure if it was due to so many races I've done in a row (5th weekend)..
or just a lot of training or just a COLD.

Swim: I was all confused with what WAVE I was in, but at the last moment managed to figure it out. I usually get in the water and swim for a bit but because of the Wave confusion I didn't get to. So right away I thought wow maybe this is an off day. Then shortly into the swim I thought ok have to focus, push, do my best. Finished the swim strong 9:30 500yards
Bike: First time races with race wheels. HED's in between an 808 and a 404 I was excited. The bike was extremely windy and there were A LOT of potholes! I felt pretty strong on the bike today compared to other races. Finished in 40:53 - 22 MPH. Not my best time but I did feel strong.
Run: Felt hard, but good. I came out of transition in second place and managed to come out on top finishing my 5K in 20:54 6:44 pace, my best of the season yet!
Summary: 1:14 total time. 1st place woman, 2nd year in a row at this one. I was so happy to come out with a win and was really excited to get a sub 7min pace for my run. I have been trying to get it down there this season but hadn't been able to until today!
I had a lot of people come up to me after the race and thank me for my advice again and congratulate me. These people had only met me once or twice and they were so nice and most importantly, for most of them, they had completed their first triathlon! I felt so happy to have been able to help out in their journey which is what really matters in the end.

Next up Ragnar Relay!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lakefront Days Race Report

The day started out gloomy and this was my forth weekend in a row racing. I tried to take it easy all week and only did one bike ride, which felt tough. I was, of course, excited to be racing. I think I am having some sort of crazy racing kick and I can't stop no matter how bad I feel during the race...=)

Swim started out pretty good, no goggle problems anymore. The lake was super weedy though. Got out of the water in 8:09 for 1/4 mile swim. Everyone said the swim was long, but I guess I'll just by the official distance.

Bike was ok. By the time I got out of water the rain had started. The bike was all in the rain. The bike was tough for me, even though the course wasn't too bad. Some rolling hills but nothing too out of the ordinary. I didn't really have it in my legs just like all the other races. The bike has been the toughest aside from the run. I hope I can bounce back and feel strong again on the bike like I have before. But today I just wanted to do my best and not crash with the rain coming down pretty strong. Total bike time: 37:39 13.5 Bike 21.5MPH.

Run: The run actually felt good. My time is still NOT sub 7min but I am getting closer! The run went smoothly and I felt pretty strong on the run despite a tough bike, for me at least. Total run 23:22 7:05 pace, 3.3 miles.

Summary: 3rd Overall for Females, happy with that. Total time: 1:11.22 (broke course record) Legs feeling it for SHO =)
Compression socks worn for the first time in the race, pretty good.

Next up: Possible double header, but most likely just the YW.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Waseca 1/3 Ironman Race Report

First 'long course' of 2010. I felt pretty good going in but legs did feel a bit tired on the warm-up run.

Swim: 1mile went really well. I got position right away and didn't have to struggle with other swimmers in my way. I really enjoyed the longer distance swim and felt like I got into my rhythm quickly. My breathing and everything was very smooth.

Bike: 34 miles, as soon as I got on the bike within the first 5 miles my legs were ache and felt tired. But I kept on, I'd say from about mile 24 on I was hurting and my MPH dropped significantly. I kept on, but kept thinking wow I really wasn't ready for this yet. My longest ride this season has been 40miles. Finished the bike though, then came probably the hardest run I've ever done in a race.

Run: HOT HOT HOT time one hundred. Right away starting the run I knew this was going to be tough. First off I haven't really run this distance very much and second coming off the bike of 34miles into a 8.9 mile run brick was something I hadn't done yet this season either. In either case the run was one of the toughest I'd done in a race EVER or at least from what I remember. Not really due to the course but the heat. I pucked a little bit on the second lap, and barely finished. Ended up in the medical tent along with Suzie Finger. I'd never felt like I needed to walk in a race on the run before until this race. I finished though and didn't walk at all!

Final summary: 3rd Female overall, 31mil swim, 22.3 mph on bike 1:32, 7:34 pace on run 1:07.50 8.9 mile run. I was happy I was done but felt like I was not ready for the distance but yet I still finished. I'm happy!

Next up: Lakefront Days Prior Lake sprint (yay!)
Fourth weekend in a row of racing!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Chisago Sprint Race Report

First off, I felt so much better this weekend racing compared to last weekend doing Chaska...It's hard to describe but I just know I felt better even though maybe my run time didn't really show it =(

Race morning was definitely chaos, mostly because we got there super late. The sprint started a half hour later then the half (which I was signed up for but had transferred to 2011) so getting there close to the closing of the transition was really stressful and me not being able to find my wave number to rack my bike added ever MORE stress. Once that was all done, I headed out on a barefoot warm up, first time doing that. Interesting...

So to start the swim I was almost late getting there...Man this just keeps getting worse and worse...Well it did get worse fist 100yrds into the swim got my goggle yanked off my head someone accidentally hit me in the head...NOT FUN! Finished the swim though, but my tempo and everything was all thrown off.

Bike was tough I had a 10K the day before and I could definitely still feel my legs. That burning sensation was there for sure. Luckily there were two other guys which helped me along the way and I just tried to stay as close to them as possible.

The run, I actually felt good, tired but good...I thought my time for the run would have been faster, but I was wrong. I was a bit disappointed but I was really happy that I felt so much better and stronger compared to last weekend. Also I did a hard 10K the day before so it was a good ending all in all.

Summary: Glad I did the sprint, 1st AG, 8th overall, need to work on the RUN!
Swim time: 8:30 with goggle off
Bike time: 57 something, 29.9 average (fastest bike I've ever averaged in a race)
Run time: 22:48, boo 7:18 pace had a faster 10K split the day before 7:13 pace..

Next up Waseca, will be a challenge with the longer distance, but again key is to pace myself and stay strong!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Tri of 2010 Chaska Sprint

First triathlon of the season! I felt like this was my first triathlon ever...I didn't even think I'd be racing this season due to my recently diagnosed Epstein Barr Virus, which was really what was causing my extreme fatigue and tiredness...

My race report: Swim went really well for me but I was feeling out of breath most of the time and all the kicking sort of wore my legs out, nevertheless I was out the water and on to my bike. The bike was rough. One of the major symptoms I've had with the EP virus is soreness and tiredness with my legs and this bike course was definitely tough with all the hills. My computer was also not working because I forgotten to switch it back to the correct position when cleaning my bike a few days before, so I had no idea how fast or slow I was going. I would say the bike was one of the toughest courses I've done. I think the other tough bike course which compares would have to be the YWCA in Baker in 2009. In either case I was just trying to stay strong and just be happy I was even out there racing. I was happy to be done with the bike and then came the run!!! Oh man, the first mile straight up hill really killed me. As Jerry M stated "Lydia looks a bit worried coming off the bike and going into the run". Very true, well more so shocked. Think this race was my 5th brick of the season so I definitely wasn't used to that feeling. Finished the run though, so happy I was done.

In summary, Swim: 1/3 mile 9 min something (very good for me), bike 16 miles 45 something 21.1 pace, and 5K 22 something 7:08 pace, overall 1:19.40. I was wheezing the whole time and really could never gather myself or my breathing, and was extremely sore after, but I loved the feeling of racing again. I don't think I'm totally over the virus yet but I'm getting there I hope. I decided to race Chisago sprint. I was signed up for the half but there is no way my body is ready for a half, so I decided it would be good to just keep racing and slowly shock my body into shape. =) Just hope the virus does not relapse. All in all, I really enjoyed being out there and really glad I did the race. Chaska was one of the toughest sprint courses I've done. First Elite race too, 4th place overall woman, even though I really wasn't too worried about place or anything, it was cool to be in the first ever Elite race!

Next up Chisago sprint, day before 10K BSC run at Nakomis.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kidney Surgery, training hiccops, and more...

I haven't posted in a's about time...Kidney surgery, what?! Yep the decision was made to remove my non functioning or I should say little functioning left kidney...I was worried but the surgery went well, and then came the recovery and the aftermath, which hasn't been so promising...

One thing good thing that came out of all this was that my blood pressure came down right away after removing the kidney which is the reason I decided to take the kidney out in the first place, along with a lot of docs advice that this was the best option for the long run when it came to my blood pressure. The negative: well since the surgery I've had a lot of fatigue when working out and training. This has especially hit me hard in running, some in biking and some in swimming. I can really tell my speed has slowed down and I can't go as hard or as long with out some chronic fatigue. At first I thought this was a nutritional issue but then quickly determined that this might be due to my recovery. I had a follow up with my kidney doc and he said he would check to see if my adrenal glands were taken out or maybe damaged during the removal of the kidney. If they were this could explain the fatigue and chronic soreness I've been feeling. The doc also suggested possible anemia or some type of eletrolyte imbalances. The blood tests await...

My other thought was maybe I'm just tired, since I never really did take any time off again this winter (I always say I will, but for some reason this is extremely hard for me to do). I'll see what the tests say and then maybe it would be a good idea to take a week off running, biking and swimming. This might be my last trial to see how I feel.

My feeling now are a bit worried for the season, since I feel pretty weak. I'm tyring to keep positive and at least be happy I am able to be out there, but that's just not my attitude when it comes to racing so it's really tough to keep positive. I really wish this would all blow over soon, as of now I'm very nervous for the season. This might be a year I'm just out there, we'll see if I can handle that.