Sunday, October 13, 2013

Granite Games, training, and 5 MUSCLE UPS PR

What a month and half leading up to the Granite Games!!! Tri season was over early September and then it was some serious training for about a month leading up to the big CF comp. I knew I wouldn't be able to get much strength in such a short period of time, but I worked hard on some skills and tough WOD's to get me ready mentally and physically.

I was feeling good and a little tired after doing a few tough HERO wods in the weeks leading up to the competition along with a 6 girl WOD challenge that was posted on the CF page. Rich Fronning challenge, so of course I had to do it =) Kurbs also followed along! We did a 5K before,  the Camp Odayin annual run that my work sponsors. I did only 14 sec slower then last year, so I was pretty happy considering all my non running. We then went to Kingfield and did this crazy 6 girl wod! It was great, tough, but good =)

So granite games...what an experience. First off I'll definetly be back next year, I was happy with how I did, I definetly have things to work on, and need to focus on strenght and Oly lifts. It was nice of Kim to have us say at her aunt's place, it was nice and cozy and we saved some money so a win win.

Day One Snatch Ladder:

I was not looking forward to this one. When I head about the first event a week prior I got sick to my stomach as it was not specified in the movement standards that snatch would be somethign we'd have to do in the RX division, but knowing CF you have to be ready for anything, so the week before I practiced snatch every day, and actually went from a 90lb PR to a 100lbs, so I was happy! Sadly when competiton came I was way way to nervous and not warmed up so I missed both attempts at 98lbs, and just did 14 deadlifts to get some points. I was 39th out of 41 for that day...

Day 2 Run/Thrusters, Air Dyne and 8min AMRAP, much better!!

I was excited to workout. The first day was over and I was honesly happy to get out and finally do some work. Man the run/thrusters wod hurt. I had tried that one earlier in the week and actually did 15 sec faster in the comp, but the weight felt so heavy...The wod was 180 run 10 thrustesr at 95lbs, all the way down to 2 with no run at the end, got 6:58 for that one, 21st out of 41 women.

Later that day was the airdyne, "the devils ride". I did a little worse on this one then when I tried it earlier at Kingfield, but felt the best in this event. We had a 5 min transition and then it was into 100 DU, 50 swings, and 25 muscle ups. Yup muscle ups!! I had only done one muscle up to date and got 5 in the WOD! I strung two in a row during warm ups so I was just hoping to get one or two in the WOD. I really felt strong after the Airdyne, and felt like I had a lot of energy going right into another WOD (the endurance side payed off). After Sat I was in 11th place for RX, top 12 made it to the Final WOD on Sunday. I  got 4th in the airdyne 2:37 for 50 cals and 88 calories for 5min, and then 8th for the 8min WOD.

Day 3 BRUTAL, TTB, then 3 rounds of 15 DL, and 15 BS at 123lbs.

Wow this one hurt bad...time cap was 12min, and I got through the last round with 6 more BS to go. I was really dying...Had trouble cleaning the weight, and the combination of movments and yestedays WOD's kind of killed me.

Sadly I didn't make it into the Final WOD, got 14th place after the Sunday AM WOD. I was sad of course because the last one was a chipper. We came home and did it though in the garage gym with a few modications with G and Kurbs =)

The Final WOD was

500 Row we ran at home21 15 9
Wall balls did plate thrusters 25lbs
Pull ups

15 12 9
G2O 85lbs

9 6 3
Burpee Box jumps
KB OHS 16kg

3 2 1
Clean 125, dropped to 115 after 3 reps for S2O
27:30 was dead!!

Key takeaway: It was very tough to get used to no warm up right before the WOD's. The weights were not easy for me, so when I would warm up it would be fine, but then we'd get corraled 20min before and then doing the WOD "cold" so to speak was tough getting used to. I'd say it got better as the day went on Sat and better Sunday but definetly a change and different experience.

I loved every min of the weeeknd, a lot of Twolf peeps did the competition and dominated per usual. Danny also did awesome from Kingfield. The experience was great, and felt like a high end competition, espeically since there were a few Games and a bunch of Regionals athletes there. Truly inspired and humbled!

Next up, get the "growth" out of my knee and hopefully be ready for a partner competition in Nov and then for sure FreezeFest in Feb!!

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