Monday, September 28, 2009

Duluth Trailfest Weekend (September 25-27th)

What a fun yet extremely challenging weekend of racing on some of the prettiest trails in Duluth!

Friday: 5K Chest Bowl (start time 5pm)
This race I actually felt the strongest in...that is until I saw the hill which was the toughest hill I've ever had to run up. I actually couldn't even run up the hill, I was more on all fours climbing up! The rest of the trail run was tough but that hill/ski jump really did it. I thought the 5K was definitely a challenge, little did I know Saturday was going to prove to be even MORE challenging.

Saturday: 15K Lake Superior Trail Run (start time 11am)
I had no idea what this run would be all about, but once I got to the first part of the actual run on the trail I definitely knew this was not going to be an easy trail run. Wet rocks, sand, trees, were only a small part of this challenging trail. The up and down hills mixed with the terrain really added to the challenge, along with the 'puke hill' which was the caliber of the Chester Bowl hill, except much much longer and about 3/4 into the 15K, which made it even more difficult. One part of the race at the end we had to go up the stairs, I was so exhausted I couldn't even get up the stairs normally and had to be hunched over while trying to make it to the top. Aside from the challenge though, the trail was very beautiful!!! I ran with four others in a single file line, and we took turns leading. I actually whipped out at one point and one of the guys helped me up and waited to make sure I was okay. At the end, we all ran in together! This felt like more of very challenging run with your friends rather then a race, but the challenge wasn't so much how fast you were going, but instead how technical this course was. Going 10min miles on this trail was difficult both for the legs and HR was definitely up there.

Sunday: Park Point Beach Run 5K (start time 9:30am)
By this day, my legs were pretty beat up both from the wipe out I had and the pure fatigue of trail running. I would try to log about 4-5miles before each race and a 1-2mile cool down after each one, just to get miles in for the marathon. At least this race wasn't so technical and running on rocks was not an issue. Although sand running is just as difficult, which was about 30% of this run. The other part was on a more 'normal' trail that we're used to in the cities. The sand was also very difficult to run, and I'm not sure if it was because this was the third day in a row racing, or the sand, this was a HARD 5K. We ran right along the beach and to the right was Lake Superior. The site was absolutely gorgeous, and after the run we all jumped into the ice cold lake. Soooo cold, but very good for the aching muscles.

I ended up 1st woman the first race, 2nd Saturday, and 2nd on Sunday. I won the overall three day challenge (didn't really expect that) but this was a smaller race and first year, so I'm sure next year some of the really good people will be there to dominate! I'll take it though, it was fun to win overall, I got a hand made-pottery bowl, along with Salomon trail shoes, and lots of gels, bananas, Gatorade, and HEED! Those trail shoes will definitely come handy, since I really am liking the trail running!

This race weekend challenge was AWESOME, and a bit more challending then I had anticipated but defiently worth it. I'm so there next year!

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