I haven't blogged in a long long time. A lot of new things have happened when it comes to my training...I joined CF, got a sponsorship from Kiwami, got some sweet race wheels, and am working with a coach (more focused on running). Oh and last but for sure not least, I'm going to Thailand March 21st to April 3rd. I am feeling pretty blessed right about now.
CF has been really awesome. I love the workouts and I really feel that they have helped me running and fitness immensely. The workouts are also very humbling. I also tried my hand in something different, doing a CF style competition, they call the throwdown. I've done some Olympic Lifting back in my high school days, so it's been really fun to get back into a competition style which involves some Olympic Lifts as well as some stuff I have never done before (handstand walk). Next feat is to learn some of the movements in CF, such as, double unders in a row (I can do like 20 now as of last Saturday), muscle ups...many more I can't even think of.
I am also feeling very lucky when it comes to getting a sponsorship I received from Kiwami. The director seems very nice and I think the opportunity will be an awesome one for 2012. I started off last year, and this year a bit worried and unsure about what I was doing when it comes to races, but I think I'm finally feeling better about training, and just my goals in general for 2012. For me it has been hard to narrow stuff down since last year I had a major goal of finishing Ironman. After completing this feat it was a bit different because there was really no one single race in mind. After going back and forth a few times (or maybe 10) I finally think I have a schedule down. Another really fortunate thing for me is, I was able to hook up with a running coach, who is also a triathlete (but an amazing running first), and she has already helped me a ton when it comes to organizing my training. I think my major thing was doing too much too soon and burning out before the season was to start. I have only stared working with her, but I am feeling way better, and not overdoing it.
I also set an unofficial PR during a workout with MN red a running group I joined a few months ago. It was at the dome and it was a 3mile or 5K time trail. I did a 19:12 for 3miles. So that's unofficially breaking 20min which is a huge feat for me. I just really hope I have all this energy and strength when the season comes.
Lastly, I'm going on a trip to Thailand in one months. Should be an amazing experience. I am going with a friend from work, Erica, and two of her friends. I'm super pumped and can't really believe I'm going to such an exotic place. I think the trip will be a nice way to get away and relax for me, hopefully! =)
I think that's it for now. Hopefully I'll be blogging more often to come.
PS: I bought some race wheels, disk HED Jet and 60 on the front, used, but I'm super pumped for that also!!!
Also working with a swim coach off and on to improve the stroke.