How to begin...The highlights of this race was the weather and the scenery. It was absolutely beautiful, warm and sunny!
Bad things: I have been fighting this injury/pain for about a month. I wasn't sure how that would hold up in this half since I haven't run too much distance this year. The first 7 miles were pretty good, I was averaging about a 7:05 pace...Then it all fell apart, and the pain set in and the power in my legs was pretty much gone. I slowed way way down and ended up with a 1:43 (about a 7:42 pace) which was 8 minutes off my time last year!!! I essentially hobbled into the finish and couldn't wait to be done.
My injury which I have found out is an imbalance problem which I've had for a while. On my right side my glute max and glute medius muscles aren't firing or working like they should so my piriformis and hams are working overtime but get very aggravated because they aren't as strong and powerful. The fix....isolation exercises to get that glute to fire again and fix some imbalances in my hips which is forcing my knee to cave in on the right side each time I land. And is also causing my hips to be all back ass wards (funny term) when I run or get tired when running.